Don’t Become a Writer — Eleven Reasons Off the Top of My Head

  1. Writing cuts into your reading time. If you think your TBR (to be read) pile is big now, multiply it by fifty. Then add a stack of craft books on top, along with a small pile of paperbacks your friends wrote that you want to read.
  2. You will always feel guilty about not writing enough. Whatever you’re doing, you’ll think you should be at the computer. BICHOK (Bum in Chair, Hands on Keyboard), baby!
  3. As a writer, you will notice problems in books that you never saw before — like when your favorite author switches point of view in the middle of a page and then switches back. This will make you crazy.
  4. Most published authors worked like demons to get published. Now they work like demons to sell books while at the same time writing the next one. Or so I’ve heard.
  5. If you are a writer, you will learn that soon as you turn off your computer, you’ll figure out how to improve that last paragraph. Or scene. Or even, gulp, book. Every time.
  6. Writers are notorious for scribbling on random fragments of paper. You will regularly find scraps with notes written in your handwriting that make no sense whatsoever.  Here are a few examples: “coupling — captain — subtext” and “what matters most to Art?” (Who’s Art?) and “add feeling of mud.” (Note: These are actual notes I was able to find without leaving my chair.)
  7. You will never, ever stop revising. That query that seemed fine last time you sent it? It will somehow have turned to crap the next time you look at it.
  8. If people tell you they like your writing, you’ll assume they’re being nice.
  9. If people are critical of your work, you’re likely to believe every word.
  10. Your children will learn not to trust you to copy-edit their papers because you will see five hundred things they need to change. Or maybe that’s just me?
  11. You will spend your entire life looking up how to correctly write ellipsis and em dashes or some other bit of punctuation or grammar that you just cannot remember! 

There are many more reasons not to become a writer and only one reason I can think of to do it. And that’s because you just can’t help yourself.

Feel free to share your reasons in the comments.



About kymlucas

"Taking care not to take love too seriously." Writer of smart, fresh, contemporary romance and women's fiction. Blogging about writing, reading, and more recently, dealing with the ins and outs of breast cancer.
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25 Responses to Don’t Become a Writer — Eleven Reasons Off the Top of My Head

  1. Oh my God. SO true. Especially #10–the 6th grader doesn’t let me read anything any more.


  2. Thanks for this. I can identify with ALL of it.

    Sometimes I think I should try to compose a book that is made up entirely of my stupid, random scrap-notes that are scattered everywhere.


  3. Barb Heintz says:

    Loved this and recognized every one. I remember one English paper my son got because the teacher knew he didn’t do it himself. Poor baby. I think he still blames me.


  4. Barb Heintz says:

    OOPS, my son got a C- because she knew he didn’t write it.


  5. Wendy Larken says:

    Great blog, Kym! I recognize myself in all of these. (No, you are not alone in #10!)


    • kymlucas says:

      Thanks, Wendy. That one seems to resonate with a lot of people, and I did just think it was me. Glad to know I was wrong though I doubt our kids would feel the same. 🙂


  6. renakoontz says:

    The minute someone learns that you are an author, they have the BEST idea for the next book that you should write. And you bite your tongue repressing the urge to say: “Write your own damn book.”


  7. Lynn Crain says:

    I recognize and resemble each and every one of these reasons. Does that mean great minds all think alike? LOL!


  8. Megan Morgan says:

    The neverending paranoia and insecurity. While waiting all those long months and weeks for your book to finally come out, you’re convinced any day now you’re going to get an email from your publisher saying “We finally had time to sit down and really read your book and WOW, did we make a mistake! Here’s your rights back and we’re suing you for wasting our time!”


  9. mirandaliasson says:

    Kym, spectacular blog. Every single one of your points rings so true! I especially loved your random scribbled notes–who’s Art? Loved this!


  10. Becky Lower says:

    Loved your blog, Kym. I don’t know why I’m not getting it on a regular basis, since I’m following you (supposedly). Maybe WordPress recognizes I’m a writer and has pulled the plug on me. Or maybe it’s just normal writer’s paranoia.


    • kymlucas says:

      Thanks, Becky. It was a fun one to write. When you signed up to follow, did you do it while signed in at WP? If so, it may just be you’re following via WP reader. There’s a box to sign up for it via email.


  11. marylou anderson says:

    you’re a riot!
    ELEVEN things that dog our days (and nights) as writers and add to our insecurities.
    Thanks I needed those reminders!
    Happy New Year.


  12. teacooper says:

    Spot on – and you develop a hide like a rhinoceros and learn to accept some people may not like your baby!


  13. Nothing to add except this made my evening!


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